Subject: Connecting to Exchange Server 2003
Date: 2010-08-25 06:15:38
From: N Ford
Source: connecting-exchange-server-2003

$0I am trying to send and receive email via Exchange Server 2003 but I am having authentication difficulties.$0
$0The error message is:$0
$0"None of the supported authentication methods is accepted by the server."$0
$0I have tried all the possible combinations of SspiAuthenticationMethod and MailClientAuthenticationMethod parameters but authentication fails due to it not being supported.$0
$0Dim client As New SmtpClient$0
$0client.Authenticate("domain\username", "password")$0
$0Can your Mail Component connect to a standard Exchange Server, send via SMTP, and receive via an Exchange mailbox?$0
$0N Ford$0


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