Subject: How to connect to SFTP using only username and private key authentication
Date: 2011-01-05 11:03:49
From: Vision v1
Source: connect-sftp-using-username-private-key-authentication


        I can able to connect using Filezilla using my Username and private keys as Normal user, i am not using any password and private key password for File zilla connection....but when i try to connect using Ultimate SFTP am getting below error message "The Request has failed".

Whether we need to have any particular extension to our private key, when i am trying to connect using Filezilla i changing my private key "mykey" extension to mykey.ppk

This is the first time i am using the Ultimate SFTP product... please help me am using below code to connect...

ftp client = new Sftp();

client.Authenticate("sftp_test", "D:\\keytest\\mykey.key", "");

please help me out


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