Subject: With ComponentPro.Ftp I get a SystemTypeLoadException
Date: 2017-12-05 19:12:44
From: Raffaele Lembo
Source: componentpro-ftp-get-systemtypeloadexception

I am a current customer and I use ComponentPro.Sftp. We are enhancing our application to support FTPS protocol. I downloaded the trial version of the ComponentPro.Ftp assembly and I'm trying to upload a file but my program cannot resolve correctly. I get the following error:

`Could not load type 'c_Y6' from assembly 'ComponentPro.Network, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0efede2d78b28dff'.`  

I'm targeting .NET 4.5.2 and the Net assemblies in CompoenentPro do support .NET 4.5.x. Don't know how to get by this issue.


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