Subject: Why are there classes in the root namespace?
Date: 2018-12-05 21:00:41
From: jeff.dammeyer
Source: classes-root-namespace

I grabbed the trial version to check out the Ftp component, and as soon as I added a reference to the Ftp components, I got a syntax error in several of my files, because they included lines like this:

`Imports Dd = My.Long.Namespace.DomainDude`

This collides with some class in the root namespace in one of the assemblies from componentpro. (Presumably they're obfuscated names).

I can change the namespace aliases in my code of course, but this isn't a great solution to me. Are these classes in the root namespace also present in the release version?

Can there be a version where all of the content of the assemblies is properly within the `ComponentPro` namespace?


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