Subject: Cannot send command to the server because the response for previous one was not received
Date: 2013-09-15 07:21:32
From: Magnus Modig
Source: cannot-send-command-server-response-previous-one-not-received



I use the following code to download files from a ftp server

[code lang='c#']

            // Create a new Ftp instance.
            var client = new Ftp();


                // Connect to the FTP server.
                client.Connect(FtpServer, FtpPort);
                client.Passive = false;
                client.Timeout = 60000; // 1 minut innan timeout

                // Authenticate.
                client.Authenticate(UserName, PassWord);

                // Let the Ftp class keeps the connection alive during transfer a large file.
                client.KeepAliveDuringTransfer = true;
                // Keep alive every 1 second.
                client.KeepAliveInterval = 1000;

                // Register an event handler.
                client.Progress += client_Progress;

                foreach (var f in ListOfFiles)

                    CurrFileToFetch = f.FileName.ToString();


                    if (client.FileExists(f.FileName.ToString()))
                            client.DownloadFile(f.FileName.ToString(), DestinationFolder + f.FileName.ToString());
                        catch (Exception ioexp)
                            // IO error



                // Disconnect.
            catch (Exception exp)

                FtpError += exp.Message.ToString();
                if (client.IsConnected)
                { client.Disconnect(); }



But I often get this error message "Cannot send command to the server because the response for previous one was not received."  , why is that and how can I fix that?   

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