Subject: Cannot close the stream from ComponentPro.Net.Ftp.GetDownloadStream
Date: 2018-03-30 11:54:42
Source: cannot-close-stream-componentpro-net-ftp-getdownloadstream


I want to read just the first few bytes from an ftp to check, if it is the right file, then close that stream and reopen it at position 0 (since setting Stream.Position = 0 will not work)
But unfortunately, I cannot close the stream I got from GetDownloadStream. And if I do not close it, anythinge else (like even trying to Diconnect) runs into a FtpException "Cannot execute the operation because the Ftp object is locked by another operation which is still in progress."

    ComponentPro.Net.Ftp ftp;
    Stream downloadStream = ftp.GetDownloadStream(Filename);
    byte[] buffer = new byte[10];
    int count = downloadStream.Read(buffer, 0, 10);
    //till here it's working, the 10 bytes are read correctly
    downloadStream.Close(); // takes a very long time and then throws an InvalidOperationException "No response from the server is expected."
    downloadStream = ftp.GetDownloadStream(Filename);

BTW: This code is running in a background thread

What I am doing wrong?


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