Subject: how can we read the post request in WEB API2 in c#
Date: 2018-01-10 10:46:32
Source: can-read-post-request-web-api2-c

i am acting as consumer side(Service provider), when i receive the request from IDP, i read the request using WEB API2 and convert into SAML Response. but i unable to do that

i am trying to read the saml response in web api, it gives me error and in WEB API i got the httprequestmessage not httprequestbase(null), Please help me to read the post request

below Sample Code

    public IHttpActionResult SSO(HttpRequestMessage request)
    	//var content = request.Content;
    	//var x = content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
    	//            try
    	//            {
    	//                #region Receive SAML Response
    	//                // Create a SAML response from the HTTP request.
    	 ComponentPro.Saml2.Response samlResponse = ComponentPro.Saml2.Response.Create(request); ---  gives the error


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