Subject: BinaryWrite of merged pdf byte array causes error
Date: 2011-03-17 09:39:46
From: Bob Pope
Source: binarywrite-merged-pdf-byte-array-causes-error

I have generated a pdf from SQL Server Reporting services and I have merged it with attachments and then saved those attachments to a file on disk, the saved file is opened by Acrobat Reader without error.

When I try to write binary array to an HttpResponse stream with Response.BinaryWrite(reportByteArray) I get the error: "The file is corrupted and cannot be repaired" from the Acrobat Reader plugin inside IE8. The code I am using follows:
        /// This is how we write PDF stream to response do not throw this code.
        void WriteToStream(int rowID)
                //bytes = rptvRH.LocalReport.Render("PDF" _
                //                                , Nothing _
                //                                , mimeType _
                //                                , encoding _
                //                                , extension _
                //                                , streamids _
                //                                , warnings)
                string[] objstreamids;
                string objmimeType;
                string objencoding;
                string objextension;
                byte[] objbytes;
                Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.Warning[] warnings;
                objbytes = ReportViewer.LocalReport.Render("PDF"
                                                                 , null
                                                                 , out objmimeType
                                                                 , out objencoding
                                                                 , out objextension
                                                                 , out objstreamids
                                                                 , out warnings);
                objbytes = MergeAttachments(objbytes, rowID);
                //'Set content type
                Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
                //' IE & Acrobat seem to require "content-disposition" header being in the response.  If you don't add it, the doc still works most of the time, but not always.
                //' this makes a new window appear: Response.AddHeader("content-disposition","attachment; filename=MyPDF.PDF");
                Response.AddHeader("content-disposition""inline; filename=MyPDF.PDF");
                Response.BinaryWrite(objbytes);  // Write the PDF stream out
                Response.Flush();             // Send all buffered content to the client
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>         /// Take the created report and add attachments         /// </summary>         /// <param name="masterReport"></param>         /// <returns></returns>         private byte[] MergeAttachments(byte[] masterReport, int rowID)         {             //get the attachments             var _dataContext = new ReportEntities();             var _attachments = from a in _dataContext.Expense_Report_Attachments                                where a.Master_Row_ID == rowID                                select a;             //put the attachments into streams             List<MemoryStream> sa = new List<MemoryStream>();             MemoryStream mr = new MemoryStream(masterReport);             sa.Add(mr);             foreach (var item in _attachments)             {                 var receipt = item.Image;                 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(receipt);                 sa.Add(ms);             }             //merge the masterReport and attachments             PdfDocument FullReport = new PdfDocument();             PdfDocumentBase.Merge(FullReport, sa.ToArray());             MemoryStream fr = new MemoryStream();             FullReport.Save(fr);             string file = Server.MapPath("/Temp") + @"\FullReport.pdf";             FullReport.Save(file);

            //Return to the caller             return fr.ToArray();         }
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