Subject: AuthnRequest.Sign(x509cert) unable to sign using sha256
Date: 2017-06-06 21:59:08
From: Carrie Retzer
Source: authnrequest-sign-x509cert-unable-sign-using-sha256

Hello I have folowed all the documentation and all the code examples provided in the licencse we purcahsed. I have a sha256 cert that is issued by thwate and have a private key with it. I am using .net 4.5 and I have added "CryptoConfig.AddAlgorithm(typeof(RSAPKCS1SHA256SignatureDescription), "");" in application_start method in global.ascx. Anytime I send an authnrequest signed using the cert to our Idp which is AD FS it sends it with a sha1 sigalg. Can someone please help with this?

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