Subject: AuthnRequest.Redirect not working in NancyFx
Date: 2015-11-23 19:31:52
From: Mark Farrington
Source: authnrequest-redirect-not-working-nancyfx

We have an API that uses NancyFX for the endpoints. I am trying to get the AuthNRequest.Redirect method to work but it doesn't redirect to the IDP. 

If there was a way to get the assembled URL that redirects to out of the AuthNRequest that might be a solution because then I can use the Nancy Redirect to reach the IDP.

Here's the line of code:

authnRequest.Redirect(HttpContext.Current.Response, assertionConsumerServiceUrl, relayState, x509Certificate.PrivateKey);

I am, getting the response from the HttpContext as you can see. The assertionConsumerServiceUrl and the relay state is being assembled using the boiler plate code in the example that ships with Ultimate Saml. I am currently using the SPKey from the same example code..

Any help is grealy appreciated. Thanks.

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