Subject: Authentication to Microsoft Office365 via OAUTH2 for IMAP and SMTP clients
Date: 2022-09-02 14:39:56
From: yurienricardo
Source: authentication-microsoft-office365-via-oauth2-imap-smtp-clients

Hi, we are trying to authenticate O365 using OAUTH2 but getting Authenticate failed.

ImapClient.Connect("", 993, ComponentPro.Net.SslSecurityMode.Implicit);
ImapClient.AuthenticateAsync(token, ImapAuthenticationMethod.OAuth20);

SmtpClient.Connect("", 587, ComponentPro.Net.SslSecurityMode.Explicit);
SmtpClient.AuthenticateAsync(token, ImapAuthenticationMethod.OAuth20);

Token is for Client App flow.

We couldn't find any example for ComponentPro.

What are the correct API permissions to accomplish this and what scopes need to be set for Client APP flow?



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