Subject: ArgumentException from ComponentPro.Net.Mail.MailMessage constructor
Date: 2017-12-06 21:25:28
From: o.seibert
Source: argumentexception-componentpro-net-mail-mailmessage-constructor

Hi there,

We are using your mail library to process mail messages, and we run into a case where we try to create a ComponentPro.Net.Mail.MailMessage object from a stream. The stream represents an Outlook .msg file.

Our code is something like this

           using (System.IO.Stream inputData = inputFileData.CreateDataStream())
                    Email = new MailMessage(inputData);
                catch(Exception ex)
                         /// …                    
And the exception we’re getting is an System.ArgumentException with the text “Invalid character at position 19.\r\nParameter name: name”.

The stack trace in the exception looks like 

    at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.AttachmentBase.c_KTF(String c_SMC, String c_EUF)
    at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.Attachment.LoadContentFromStream(Stream source, String name, String mediaType)
    at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.MailMessage.c_D5F(AttachmentCollection c_E4F, Stream c_I6D, ContentType c_J6D, String c_OLC, String c_ILF, String c_Y5F)
    at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.MailMessage.c_CQD(c_CP c_A5B)
    at ComponentPro.Net.Mail.MailMessage.Load(Stream input)
    at (our code):line 104

so maybe there is something about an attachment it does not like. One of the attachments is called 'GMK vorläufige Tagesordnung.doc'. Maybe it doesn’t like the a-umlaut character.

Version numbers:
ComponentPro.Common.dll: same

Do you have an update available that may fix this problem?


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